Sugarcane Ring Spot
 lesions on the upper side of the leaf.
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Cómo citar

Rott, Philippe, Jack C. Comstock, Hardev S. Sandhu, y Richard N. Raid. 2016. «Sugarcane Ring Spot: PP321 PP321, 9 2015». EDIS 2016 (2). Gainesville, FL:2.


Ring spot, caused by the fungus Leptosphariea sacchari, is a disease of sugarcane that has been known to occur in Florida for over 80 years. Ring spot usually affects only the older leaves, and therefore is considered a minor disease. However, correctly identifying the disease in the field can help to reduce unnecessary chemical sprays. This 2-page fact sheet outlines the symptoms and spread of the disease, as well as how to prevent and control Sugarcane Ring Spot. Written by P. Rott, J.C. Comstock, H.S. Sandhu, and R.N. Raid, and published by the Plant Pathology Department, September 2015.

PP321/PP321: Sugarcane Ring Spot (
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Bourne, B. A. 1930. "The occurrence of the ring-spot disease of sugar-cane in Florida." Phytopathology 20(4):364-365.

Bourne, B. A. 1934. Studies on the Ring Spot Disease of Sugarcane. Bulletin 267. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

Croft, B. J. 2000. "Ring spot". In A Guide to Sugarcane Diseases, edited by Philippe Rott, Roger A. Bailey, Jack C. Comstock, Barry J. Croft, and A. Salem Saumtally, 167-69. Montpellier, France: CIRAD/ISSCT, La Librairie du Cirad.

Raid, R. N., D. L. Anderson, and M. F. Ulloa. 1991. "Influence of cultivar and amendment of soil with calcium silicate slag on foliar disease development and yield of sugarcane." Crop Protection 11:84-88.

Rott, P., J. C. Comstock, R. A. Gilbert, and H. S. Sandhu. 2014. Sugarcane Eyespot Disease. SSAGR203. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

Sandhu, H. S., B. Glaz, S. J. Edmé, R. W. Davidson, D. Zhao, J. C. Comstock, R. A. Gilbert, S. B. Milligan, C.-J. Hu, N. C. Glynn, S. Sood, and K. McCorkle. 2014. "Registration of 'CPCL 02-6848' sugarcane." Journal of Plant Registrations 8:155-161.

Whittle, P. J. L. 2000. "Brown stripe". In A Guide to Sugarcane Diseases, edited by Philippe Rott, Roger A. Bailey, Jack C. Comstock, Barry J. Croft, and A. Salem Saumtally, 81-84. Montpellier, France: CIRAD/ISSCT, La Librairie du Cirad.