Using Social Media to Engage Communities with Research: Creating a Community Through Best Practices
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Palabras clave

public engagement with science
online engagement
social media


Cómo citar

Williams, Tyus, Kathryn A. Stofer, Kirsten Hecht, y Lisa Lundgren. 2021. «Using Social Media to Engage Communities With Research: Creating a Community Through Best Practices: WC400 AE739, 1 2022». EDIS 2022 (1). Gainesville, FL.


Creating a community is the way you establish and ultimately present yourself through social media, combining marketing strategy, content production, and community engagement. The objective of this new 5-page publication of the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication is to guide people through the preliminary stages of online community building to engage with a community about science. This document is part of a multipart series on social media titled Using Social Media to Engage Communities with ResearchWritten by Tyus D. Williams, Kathryn A. Stofer, Lisa Lundgren, and Kirsten Hecht.
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Derechos de autor 2022 UF/IFAS