4-H GROW: A Path for a Successful 4-H in School Program
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Palabras clave

4-H in School
4-H School Enrichment


Cómo citar

Jackson, Michael Shawn, y Andrew Toelle. 2023. «4-H GROW: A Path for a Successful 4-H in School Program». EDIS 2023 (4). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-4h347-2023.


4-H in School programs can reach large groups of youth in a narrow age range, yet they are difficult for many 4-H agents to implement. Building on Ask IFAS publication 4H324, the GROW model is a practical guide for agents to follow to increase the likelihood of beginning and sustaining a successful 4-H in School program. This model addresses who agents can reach out to when in the initial phases of beginning a 4-H in School program and steps to follow as it is being developed.  The model also outlines an organizational plan to eliminate miscommunication and unexpected mishaps by offering a clear understanding of expectations for all participants involved.  Finally, the model identifies tips to make a school enrichment program operate smoothly based on feedback from teachers and 4-H Agents with experience working with 4-H school enrichment programs.

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Diem, K. (2001). National 4-H school enrichment survey. Journal of Extension, 39(5), 5RIB6. https://archives.joe.org/joe/2001october/rb6.php

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