Developing a sense of belonging is one of the Essential Elements of a positive youth development experience. Creating an inclusive environment in your 4-H club programs and activities can help you achieve this goal. Providing many forms of recognition for all, not just for those who excel in competition with other youth, supports this sense of belonging.
NOTE: corrected 11/5/2024 to add an omitted author.
Arnold, M. E. (2018). From Context to Outcomes: A Thriving Model for 4-H Youth Development Programs. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 6(1), 11. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54718/NBNL5438
Fogarty, K., Bearden, J., Strong, R., Norman, M., Jordan, J., Kirby, C., Lesmeister, M., Myers, D., Carlistle, B., Wilkens, S., Tesdall, T., Wilson, J., Callaham, J., Phillippe, P., DeCubellis, C., Miliffe, K., Sachs, G., Munyan, S., Weston, C., and Hrncirik, L. (2013). Florida 4-H: Recognition for Excellence. Archived September 15, 2012, from https://web.archive.org/web/20180423110802/http://florida4h.org/staff/awards_handbook/overview/introduction.pdf
National 4-H Recognition Model Design Team. (1993). 4-H Youth Development Education: A National Model for Recognition in 4-H Programs, National 4-H Council and 4-H Youth Development. Washington, D.C.: Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
NIFA/National 4-H Headquarters. (2015). National 4-H Headquarters Fact Sheet: Kindergarten-3rd Grade Programs in 4-H. Retrieved from https://lincolncountysd.org/DocumentCenter/View/784/Cloverbuds-Fact-Sheet-PDF

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