This publication is one of the seven new articles that have been published in the Teaching Students with Disabilities series. This series provides useful information to ag-ed based instructors about different disabilities and how to teach those students in the unique environments posed by ag-ed, including classroom, laboratory, and non-formal environments. Written by Blake C. Colclasure, Andrew C. Thoron, and Sarah E. LaRose, and published by the Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, August 2016.
AEC597/WC259: Teaching Students with Disabilities: Visual Impairment and Blindness (ufl.edu)
American Foundation for the Blind. (2015). Low Vision and Legal Blindness Terms and Descriptions. Retrieved from https://www.afb.org/blindness-and-low-vision/eye-conditions/low-vision-and-legal-blindness-terms-and-descriptions
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Official MADDSP and MADDS Surveillance Case Definitions. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/developmentaldisabilities/casedefinitions.html
Virginia Department of Education. (2010). Guidelines for Working with Students Who are Blind or Visually Impaired. Retrieved from http://www.doe.virginia.gov/special_ed/disabilities/sensory_disabilities/visually_impaired_blind/visually_impaired_guidelines.pdf
Willings, C. (2015). Teaching Students with Visual Impairments. Retrieved from http://www.teachingvisuallyimpaired.com/
Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015). Official MADDSP and MADDS Surveillance Case Definitions. Retrieved from http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/developmentaldisabilities/casedefinitions.html
Virginia Department of Education. (2010). Guidelines for Working with Students Who are Blind or Visually Impaired. Retrieved from http://www.doe.virginia.gov/special_ed/disabilities/sensory_disabilities/visually_impaired_blind/visually_impaired_guidelines.pdf
Willings, C. (2015). Teaching Students with Visual Impairments. Retrieved from http://www.teachingvisuallyimpaired.com/