Culture Techniques of Moina: The Ideal Daphnia for Feeding Freshwater Fish Fry


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How to Cite

Rottmann, R.W. 1999. “Culture Techniques of Moina: The Ideal Daphnia for Feeding Freshwater Fish Fry: CIR1054 FA024, 5 1999”. EDIS 1999 (May). Gainesville, FL.


This document provides an extensive overview of the biology, culture methods, and practical applications of Daphnia, specifically focusing on the genera Daphnia and Moina. Daphnia, known as "water fleas" due to their size and distinctive movement, play a crucial role in freshwater ecosystems and aquaculture. The document discusses their physical and chemical habitat requirements, food sources, and reproductive cycles. It highlights the advantages of Moina in aquaculture due to their high reproductive rates and tolerance to environmental conditions. Detailed procedures for the culture of Moina, including container specifications, water quality management, aeration, feeding, and harvesting techniques, are provided. Additionally, the document addresses nutritional aspects and methods for long-term storage. This comprehensive guide aims to support hobbyists and commercial operators in optimizing Moina production for feeding fish fry. First published May,1992.
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