Overview of Urban Aquaculture
A drone aircraft in mid-flight. Photo taken 06-14-19.
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small farms
recirculating systems

How to Cite

Roan, Emily, Laura Tiu, Roy Yanong, Matthew DiMaggio, and Joshua Patterson. 2019. “Overview of Urban Aquaculture: FA217, 10/2019”. EDIS 2019 (6). Gainesville, FL:6. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fa217-2019.


This 6-page fact sheet written by Emily H. Roan, Laura Tiu, Roy P.E. Yanong, Matthew A. DiMaggio, and Joshua T. Patterson and published by the UF/IFAS Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, School of Forest Resources and Conservation provides introductory information for people interested in engaging in commercial or hobby-scale aquaculture in urban or suburban areas. It introduces three common types of urban aquaculture systems, describes the resources and challenges unique to urban aquaculture, and includes a handy “getting started” section.

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