Vol. 2014 Núm. 6
New Publication 6/1/2014 through 6/31/2014

New and revised EDIS publications that have been released to the public in August 2014.

Historical Fact Sheets

J. Chen, Richard W. Henley, R.J. Henny, R.D. Caldwell, C.A. Robinson
Chilling Injury in Tropical Foliage Plants: II. Aglaonema: ENH843/EP103, 6/2014
PDF-2014 (English)
Mathews L. Paret, Nicholas S. Dufault; Mason Newark, Joshua H. Freeman (Revision Author)
Management of Gummy Stem Blight (Black Rot) on Cucurbits in Florida: PP280, rev.8/2018
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2018 (English)
J. Chen, D. B. McConnell, R.J. Henny
Cultural Guidelines for Commercial Production of Interiorscape Fire Flash (Chlorophytum amaniense): ENH998/EP253, rev. 6/2014
PDF-2014 (English)
J. Chen, L. Qu, R.J. Henny, C.A. Robinson, R.D. Caldwell, Y. Huang
Chilling Injury in Tropical Foliage Plants: I. Spathiphyllum: ENH841/EP101, 6/2014
PDF-2014 (English)
Mathews L. Paret; Nicholas S. Dufault, Joshua H. Freeman (Revision Author); Stephen M. Olson
Integrated Management of White Mold on Vegetables in Florida: PP276, rev. 1/2018
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2018 (English)
Keith G. Diem, Joy Jordan, Bryan Terry, Dale Pracht, Judy Butterfield, Adam Cletzer; Lindsey McConnell, Ben Knowles (Revision Author)
How to Start a 4-H Club (for Youth Ages 8–18): 4H336/4H336, 7/2014
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2014 (English)
Keith G. Diem, Marilyn N. Norman, Joy C. Jordan; Lindsey McConnell (Revision Author)
Selecting a Name for Your 4-H Club: 4H337/4H337, 7/2014
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2014 (English)
Sanjay Shukla, Gregory S. Hendricks, Thomas A. Obreza, Willie Harris
Factors Affecting Phosphorus Leaching and Groundwater Concentrations for the Plasticulture Vegetable-Production System: AE507/AE507, 8/2014
PDF-2014 (English)
Sanjay Shukla, Niroj K. Shrestha, Thomas A. Obreza, Brian J. Boman
Water Use for Drip-Irrigated Watermelon with Plastic Mulch in Florida: AE508/AE508, 8/2014
PDF-2014 (English)
Sanjay Shukla, Niroj Shrestha, Fouad H. Jaber
Water Use for Seepage-Irrigated Pepper with Plastic Mulch in Florida: AE509/AE509, 8/2014
PDF-2014 (English)
Sanjay Shukla, Niroj K. Shrestha
Water Use for Seepage-Irrigated Watermelon with Plastic Mulch in Florida: AE510/AE510, 8/2014
PDF-2014 (English)
Jennifer L. Gillett-Kaufman, Verena-Ulrike Lietze, Emma N.I. Weeks
Hydrilla Integrated Management: IPM-207/IN1044, 8/2014
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Byron R. Coon, Nathan E. Harms, Michael J. Grodowitz, Emma N.I. Weeks, James P. Cuda
Hydrellia fly parasitic wasp Trichopria columbiana Ashmead (Insecta: Hymenoptera: Diapriidae): EENY597/IN1040, 6/2014
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2014 (English)
Emma Weeks
Hydrilla tuber weevil Bagous affinis Hustache (Insecta: Coleoptera: Curculionidae): EENY595/IN1039, 6/2014
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Emma N.I. Weeks, Jeffrey E. Hill
Grass Carp, the White Amur: Ctenopharyngodon idella Cuvier and Valenciennes (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae: Squaliobarbinae): EENY593/IN1038, 6/2014
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Emma Weeks, Jim Cuda, Michael J. Grodowitz
Hydrilla Stem Weevil: Bagous hydrillae O’Brien: EENY594/IN1036, 6/2014
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Emma Weeks, James Cuda
Hydrilla leaf mining flies (unofficial common name) Hydrellia spp. (Insecta: Diptera: Ephydridae): EENY590/IN1034, 4/2014
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2014 (English)
Florida LAKEWATCH; Mark Hoyer (Contact)
A Beginner’s Guide to Water Management—Aquatic Plants in Florida Lakes: CIR 111/FA163, rev. 6/2014
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2014 (English)
Gary W. Knox
Smooth-bark Mexican Pine (Pinus pseudostrobus): ENH1239/EP500, 6/2014
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2014 (English)
Sydney Park Brown, Kim Taylor, Emily Eubanks, Caraline Stephens
Demonstration Gardens in the University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service: ENH 865/EP108, 6/2014
PDF-2014 (English)
Kaitlin G. Clark, Wendy J. Dahl
Datos sobre los antioxidantes: FSHN14-02s/FS251, 7/2014
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Nancy J. Gal, Amanda L. Ford, Wendy J. Dahl
Datos sobre los Carbohidratos: FSHN14-03s/FS250, 7/2014
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Inbar Schapsis, Wendy J. Dahl
Datos sobre los flavonoides: FSHN14-04s/FS249, 7/2014
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Mary N. Harrison, Amanda Griffin, Randall A. Cantrell
Keeping it Clean: A Healthy House: FCS5232-01/FY786, rev. 5/2014
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2014 (English)
Mary N. Harrison, Randall A. Cantrell, Amanda Griffin
Keeping It Clean: Controlling Mildew: FCS5232-11/FY796, rev. 5/2014
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Mary N. Harrison, Amanda Griffin, Randall A. Cantrell
Keeping it Clean: Plan Your Cleaning: FCS5232-02/FY787, rev. 5/2014
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2014 (English)
Kathryn Stofer
Visualizing Spatially Based Data for Various Stakeholder Audiences: AEC499/WC163, 5/2014
view on EDIS (English) PDF-2014 (English)