This document is about Aglaonema, commonly called Chinese evergreen. This plant is a member of the family Araceae that comprises 21 known species that are native to southeast Asia where they grow in the humid, heavily shaded tropical forest (Huxley 1994). Cultivated in the East for centuries, Aglaonema was believed to bring fortune to life and probably was introduced to the western world in 1885 (Brown 2000). First published Oct. 2001.
Blessington, T.M. and Collons, P.C. 1993. Foliage Plants: Prolonged Quality, Postproduction Care and Handling. Ball Publishing, Batavia, IL.
Brown, D. 2000. Aroids: Plants of the Arum Family. Second Edition. Timber Press. Portland. OR.
Chen, J., Henley, R.W., Henny, R.J., Caldwell, R.D., and Robinson, C.A. 1998. A simple leaf-assay method for evaluating Aglaonema sensitivity to chilling temperatures. Proc. Fla. State Hort. Soc. 111:43–46.
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Chen, J., Henny, R.J., McConnell, D.B., and Nell, T.A. 2001b. Cultivar differences in interior performances of acclimatized foliage plants. Acta Horticulturae 543:135-140.
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Cialone, J. 2000. New Chinese evergreen cultivars for the interiorscape. Ohio Florists' Assoc. Bull. No. 847:1, 9–10.
Fooshee, W.C. and McConnell, D.B. 1987. Response of Aglaonema 'Silver Queen' to nighttime chilling temperatures. HortScience 22:254–255.
Griffith, L.P. 1998. Tropical Foliage Plants: A Grower's Guide. Ball Publishing, Batavia, IL.
Henley, R.W., Henny, R.J., and Chen, J. 1998. Chilling injury on twenty Aglaonema Cultivars. Proc. Southern Nursery Assoc. Conf. 43:117–121.
Hummel, R.L. and Henny, R.J. 1986. Variation in sensitivity to chilling injury within the genus Aglaonema. HortScience 21:291–293.
Huxley, A. 1994. The New Royal Horticultural Society Dictionary of Gardening. The Macmillon Press Ltd, London.
Joiner, J.N. 1981. Foliage Plant Production. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

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