Responsible Boating Protects Coral Reefs
Typical young 'Fiesta' plants approximately 30 days after tubers were planted in the ground bed. Figure 3 from publication ENH1281/EP545: Caladium Cultivars ‘Cosmic Delight’, ‘Fiesta’ and ‘Hearts Desire’. Credit: Zhanao Deng, UF/IFAS.
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Recreational Boating
Coral Reefs

Cómo citar

Zangroniz, Ana, Savanna C. Barry, y Joy Hazell. 2017. «Responsible Boating Protects Coral Reefs: SGEF-246 SG152, 12 2017». EDIS 2017 (6). Gainesville, FL.


This document gives an introduction to the corals and coral reefs of Florida. Ecological and economic information is given, as well as steps to ensure that safe boating practices reduce physical impacts of coral reefs.
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