Planning for a Successful Commercial Subtropical/Tropical Fruit Grove
Row of Mango trees. Photographed on 06-27-18. Photo Credits: UF/IFAS Photo by Tyler Jones
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tropical fruits
subtropical fruits
site selection
water management
crop insurance
food safety

How to Cite

Crane, Jonathan Henry, Yuncong Li, Edward A Evans, Fredy H Ballen, and Jeff Wasielewski. 2020. “Planning for a Successful Commercial Subtropical/Tropical Fruit Grove: HS1387, 11/2020”. EDIS 2020 (6). Gainesville, FL.


Planning is the key to successful grove establishment, maintenance, and production. Developing a detailed infrastructure description and plan, cultural program, and financial and marketing plan for a new or existing grove with a new fruit crop will save you time and money and help minimize mistakes. Prospective growers should compile and analyze information needed to select a grove site, establish the needed infrastructure, and develop maintenance plans for the plants and how the production will be marketed. This new 15-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department presents an outline of the type of information growers need when establishing a tropical fruit grove or contemplating management or modification of an existing grove. Written by Jonathan Crane, Yuncong Li, Edward Evans, Fredy Ballen, and Jeff Wasielewski.
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