- 2018-10-01 (2)
- 2006-06-22 (1)
How to Cite
Wang, Qingren, Yuncong Li, Edward A. Hanlon, Waldemar Klassen, Teresa Olczyk, and Ikechukwu V. Ezenwa. (2006) 2018. “Cover Crop Benefits for South Florida Commercial Vegetable Producers: SL-242 SS461, Rev. 10 2018”. EDIS 2018 (October). Gainesville, FL:7.
This article describes how and why to use cover crops in South Florida vegetable production systems, and identifies several cover crops that work in Florida's climate, that contribute to nutrient conservation, and whose biomass can be incorporated to improve soil organic matter. Updated October 2018.
SL-242/SS461: Cover Crop Benefits for South Florida Commercial Vegetable Producers (
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