Employer Sponsored Retirement Savings Plans
A cowboy executive offering a retirement plan on a silver platter.



How to Cite

Dorman, Rachel, Lisa M. Leslie, Michael S. Gutter, Martie Gillen, and Josephine Turner. 2012. “Employer Sponsored Retirement Savings Plans: FCS5258b FY1286, 4 2012”. EDIS 2012 (5). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fy1286-2012.


A financially secure retirement is a goal for many workers, and the ability to achieve that plan can be helped by employer-sponsored retirement plans. Learn more in this 3-page fact sheet written by Rachel Dorman, Lisa M. Leslie, Michael S. Gutter, Martie Gillen, and Josephine Turner, and published by the UF Department of Family Youth and Community Sciences, April 2012.




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Internal Revenue Service (2011). "Retirement Topics: Vesting," retrieved October 21, 2011 from http://www.irs.gov/retirement/participant/article/0,,id=211324,00.html

Leimberg, S., & McFadden, J. (2011). The tools and techniques of employee benefit and retirement planning, twelfth edition. Erlanger, KY: The National Underwriter Company.

Swanson, P. and B. Wollan. (2007). Iowa State University Publication series, "Retirement: Secure Your Dreams." retrieved October 24, 2011 from http://www.extension.iastate.edu/families/retirement

US Department of Labor Statistics, "Questions and Answers on Cash Balance Pension Plans," retrieved October 24, 2011 from http://www.bls.gov/opub/cwc/cm20030917ar01p1.htm

US Department of Labor, "SIMPLE IRA Plans for Small Business" retrieved October 24, 2011 from http://www.dol.gov/ebsa/publications/simple.html
