The redbay ambrosia beetle, harmless in its native Asia, has become a formidable pest since its introduction to the United States in 2002. The beetle spreads the fungus Harringtonia lauricola, a lethal pathogen of North American Lauraceae trees, including avocados. The fungus infection triggers a rapid onset of laurel wilt disease, which has nearly eliminated laurel trees across the southeastern United States within a few years. The beetle has spread across nearly 300 counties in the Southeast, facilitated by trade in wood products. Effective control in natural environments remains an unresolved challenge; in avocado groves, infected trees must be removed and destroyed. Introduction of X. glabratus into Mexico, California, Central America, or South America, regions with substantial avocado industries and diverse native Lauraceae species, would be disastrous. International cooperation is necessary to address this threat.
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