2021–2022 Citrus Production Guide
2021–2022 Citrus Production Guide
Lauren M. Diepenbrock, Megan M. Dewdney, Tripti Vashisth
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Introduction: CG033/CPMG01, rev. 3/2021
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Jason A. Ferrell; Frederick M. Fishel (Former Author)
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Useful Telephone Numbers: CG030/PI-15, rev. 3/2021
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Lauren Marie Diepenbrock; Mark A. Ritenour
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Fresh Fruit Pesticide Residue Limits: HS1301, rev. 3/2021
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Lauren Marie Diepenbrock, Megan M. Dewdney, Ramdas Kanissery
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Pesticide Resistance and Resistance Management: Chapter 4, ENY-624/CG026, rev. 4/2021
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Masoud Salyani
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Pesticide Application Technology: CG024/ABE-356, 3/2021
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Lauren Marie Diepenbrock; Davie M. Kadyampakeni, Larry W. Duncan
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Best Management Practices for Soil-Applied Agricultural Chemicals: HS-185/CG027, rev. 3/2021
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Jason A. Ferrell; Frederick M. Fishel (Former Author)
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Interpreting PPE statements on Pesticide Labels: CG031/PI-16, rev. 3/2021
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Jason A. Ferrell; Frederick M. Fishel (Former Author)
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Quick Reference Guide to the Worker Protection Standard (WPS): CG036/CPMG-07, rev. 3/2021
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Travis K. Chapin, Michelle D. Danyluk, Renee M. Goodrich-Schneider, Keith R. Schneider, Matt Krug, Mark A. Ritenour, Tripti Vashisth
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Food Safety Requirements and Considerations for the Florida Citrus Grower: CG090/CPG09, rev. 3/2021
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Ariel Singerman
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Crop Insurance Policies Available to Citrus Growers: CG096, rev. 3/2021
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Lauren Marie Diepenbrock (Contact); Jamie D. Burrow, Laurie Hurner, Chris Oswalt, Juanita Popenoe, Mongi Zekri, Ajia M. Paolillo, Stephen H. Futch
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Useful Websites and Mobile Apps: CG0100, rev. 3/2021
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Tripti Vashisth; Ute Albrecht, Fernando Alferez, Mongi Zekri
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Rootstock and Scion Selection: HS1308, rev. 4/2021
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Ariel Singerman, Marina Burani-Arouca, Stephen H. Futch
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Planting New Citrus Groves in Florida in the Era of Citrus Greening: CG099, rev. 4/2021
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Christopher Vincent, Tripti Vashisth, Mongi Zekri, Ute Albrecht
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Grove Planning and Establishment: HS1302, rev. 4/2021
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Davie Kadyampakeni, Kelly T. Morgan, Mongi Zekri, Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi, Arnold W. Schumann, Sandra Guzman, Thomas A. Obreza
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Irrigation Management of Citrus Trees: CPG12/CG093, rev. 4/2021
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Kelly T. Morgan, Davie Kadyampakeni, Mongi Zekri, Arnold W. Schumann, Tripti Vashisth, Thomas A. Obreza, Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Nutrition Management for Citrus Trees: CMG13/CG091, rev. 4/2021
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Mongi Zekri, Arnold W. Schumann, Tripti Vashisth, Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi, Davie Kadyampakeni, Kelly T. Morgan, Brian J. Boman, Thomas A. Obreza
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Fertilizer Application Methods: CMG14/CG092, rev. 4/2021
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Evan G. Johnson, Sarah Strauss, Davie Kadyampakeni, Kelly T. Morgan
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Root Health Management: CMG15/CG094, rev. 4/2021
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Tripti Vashisth, Mongi Zekri, Fernando Alferez
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Canopy Management: Chapter 19, CMG16/HS1303, rev. 4/2021
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Tripti Vashisth, Chris Oswalt, Mongi Zekri, Fernando Alferez, Jamie D. Burrow
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Plant Growth Regulators: Chapter 20, CMG17/HS1310, rev. 4/2021
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Chris Oswalt, Tripti Vashisth
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Citrus Cold Protection: Chapter 21, CMG18/CG095, rev. 4/2021
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Tripti Vashisth; Arnold W. Schumann, Ariel Singerman, Alan L. Wright, Rhuanito S. Ferrarezi, Jawwad Qureshi, Fernando Alferez
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Citrus Under Protective Screen (CUPS) Production Systems: Chapter 22, CMG19/HS1304, rev. 4/2021
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Lauren M. Diepenbrock, Jawwad Qureshi, Lukasz Stelinski
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Asian Citrus Psyllid: CG097, rev. 3/2021
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Lauren Marie Diepenbrock, Jawwad Qureshi, Lukasz L. Stelinski
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Citrus Leafminer: CG098, rev. 3/2021
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Jawwad Qureshi, Lukasz Stelinski, Xavier Martini, Lauren M. Diepenbrock
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Rust Mites, Spider Mites, and Other Phytophagous Mites: CG002/ENY-603, rev. 3/2021
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Lauren Marie Diepenbrock, Lukasz L. Stelinski, Xavier Martini, Jawwad Qureshi
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Soft-Bodied Insects Attacking Foliage and Fruit: CG004/ENY-604, rev 3/2021
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Xavier Martini, Lauren Marie Diepenbrock
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Plant Bugs, Chewing Insect Pests, Caribbean Fruit Fly, and Thrips: CG005/ENY-605, rev. 3/2021
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Larry W. Duncan, Catharine Mannion
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Citrus Root Weevils: CG006/ENY-611, rev. 4/2021
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Larry W. Duncan, Joe W. Noling, Renato N. Inserra
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Nematodes: ENY-606/CG010, rev. 4/2021
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Megan M. Dewdney, Tripti Vashisth, Lauren M. Diepenbrock
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Huanglongbing (Citrus Greening): CG086/PP-225, rev. 3/2021
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Megan M. Dewdney, Evan G. Johnson
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Citrus Canker: PP-182/CG040, rev. 4/2021
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Megan M. Dewdney, Evan Johnson
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Phytophthora Foot Rot, Crown Rot, and Root Rot: CG009/PP-156, rev. 3/2021
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Megan M. Dewdney, Evan Johnson
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Brown Rot of Fruit: CG022/PP-148, rev. 3/2021
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Megan M. Dewdney
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Greasy Spot: CG018/PP-144, rev. 3/2021
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Megan M. Dewdney
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Melanose: CG019/PP-145, rev. 3/2021
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Megan M. Dewdney, Callie Walker, Pamela D. Roberts, Natalia A. Peres
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Citrus Black Spot: Chapter 36, PP279/CG088, rev. 4/2021
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Megan M. Dewdney
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Citrus Scab: CG020/PP-146, rev. 3/2021
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Megan M. Dewdney
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide Alternaria Brown Spot: CG021/PP-147, rev. 3/2021
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Natalia A. Peres, Megan M. Dewdney
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Postbloom Fruit Drop: CG007/PP-45, rev. 4/2021
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Amit Levy, Ozgur Batuman, Ronald H. Brlansky
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Exocortis, Cachexia, and Other Viroids: Chapter 40, PP-179/CG037, rev. 3/2020
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Ozgur Batuman, Pamela D. Roberts, Ronald H. Brlansky; Megan M. Dewdney (Contact)
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Blight: Chapter 41, PP-180/CG038, reviewed 3/2021
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Ozgur Batuman, Amit Levy, Mark E. Hilf, Peggy J. Sieburth, William O. Dawson, Ronald H. Brlansky
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Tristeza Decline: CG039/PP-181, rev. 3/2021
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Mark A. Ritenour, Jiuxu "John" Zhang, Liliana M. Cano, Megan M. Dewdney
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Decay Control of Florida Fresh Citrus: CIR359A/CH081, rev. 5/2021
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Ramdas Kanissery, Stephen H. Futch, Brent A. Sellers
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Weeds: HS-107/CG013, rev. 5/2021
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Lauren M. Diepenbrock, Megan M. Dewdney, Tripti Vashisth, Ramdas Kanissery
2021–2022 Florida Citrus Production Guide: Pesticides Registered for Use on Florida Citrus: CG017/ENY-601, rev. 6/2021
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