Encouraging Landscape Water-Conservation Behaviors #3: Developing Extension and Outreach Messages That Encourage Landscape Water Conservation Practice Adoption
Someone setting the sprinkler head for an irrigation system




How to Cite

Owens, Courtney, Laura A. Warner, Joy Rumble, Alexa Lamm, and Randall Cantrell. 2015. “Encouraging Landscape Water-Conservation Behaviors #3: Developing Extension and Outreach Messages That Encourage Landscape Water Conservation Practice Adoption: AEC539 WC201, 6 2015”. EDIS 2015 (6). Gainesville, FL:5. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc201-2015.


Message framing can be an effective tool for crafting messages for a target audience. This 5-page fact sheet explains how Extension can use gain and loss message framing to encourage Florida residents who irrigate their home landscape to adopt water-conservation practices. Part three of the series Encouraging Landscape Water-Conservation Behaviors and written by Courtney Owens, Laura Warner, Joy Rumble, Alexa Lamm, and Randall Cantrell, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, June 2015.



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