Understanding the Risk of Homelessness for Emerging Adult Foster Care Youth
A Florida Friendly Yard in NW Gainesville, Florida.
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foster care
emerging adults
youth homeless population
risks for foster care youth
foster care emancipation


How to Cite

Michelini, Francesca, Randall Cantrell, and Kate Fogarty. 2022. “Understanding the Risk of Homelessness for Emerging Adult Foster Care Youth : FCS3367/FY1506, 01/2022”. EDIS 2022 (1). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-fy1506-2022.


This publication discusses foster care in the United States, risk of experiencing homelessness among foster care youth, and possible interventions. Written by Francesca Michelini, Randall Cantrell, and Kate Fogarty, and published by the UF/IFAS Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, January 2022.

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