Before starting a new food business, you should set a goal and have detailed plans to accomplish that goal. But writing a good business plan is often a challenge and it requires a great amount of effort. This 4-page fact sheet provides guidance on how to write a good food-business plan. Written by Soohyoun Ahn, Lisa House, and Renée Goodrich-Schneider, and published by the UF Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, December 2014. (Photo: iStock/Thinkstock)
FSHN14-12/FS259: How to Start a Food Business: Writing a Business Plan (ufl.edu)
University of Florida/IFAS. "Primer for developing a farm business plan." http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/fe720.
US Small Business Administration (SBA). "Create your business plan." http://www.sba.gov/writing-business-plan.
Penn State Extension. "Developing a business plan." (http://extension.psu.edu/business/ag-alternatives/farm-management/developing-a-business-plan)
R.B. Holcomb, G. Muske, and P. Kenkel. Okalahoa Cooperative Estension Service. "Developing a business plan for value-added agricultural products." http://pods.dasnr.okstate.edu/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-981/AGEC-909web.pdf.
Northeast Center for Food Entrepreneurship. Cornell University. "Business plan basics." http://necfe.foodscience.cals.cornell.edu/sites/necfe.foodscience.cals.cornell.edu/files/shared/documents/FS_BusinessPlanBasics.pdf.