Martin County, Florida has a rich agricultural history with farming and cattle ranching being important economic drivers since the early 1930s. Nevertheless, the county struggles to meet the balance between food supply and demand. Farmers often face challenges finding sizable, secure, well-paying markets, and the most consumers do not participate in local food transactions. This article summarizes two studies conducted to examine agricultural production in Martin County and its food processing, distribution and marketing systems and infrastructure to better identify potential constraints and opportunities for the local food system.
Court, C.D., Ferreira, J., Botta, R., McDaid, K. 2023. 2019 Economic Contributions of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Food Industries in Florida.” UF/IFAS Food and Resource Economics Department, Economic Impact Analysis Program. https://fred.ifas.ufl.edu/media/fredifasufledu/economic-impact-analysis/reports/FRE_Economic_Contributions_Ag_Natural_Resources_Food_Industries_FL_Report_2019_WEB-(2).pdf.
Court, C. D., A. W. Hodges, and M. Rahmani. 2018. "Economic Contributions of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Food Industries in Florida in 2016." Economic Impact Analysis Program, Food and Resource Economics Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. https://fred.ifas.ufl.edu/DEStudio/html/EconomicImpactAnalysis/FloridaAg-FoodIndustryContributions2016WithAppendices.pdf
FDACS. 2021. "Florida Agriculture by the Numbers 2020." Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Tallahassee, FL. https://www.fdacs.gov/ezs3download/download/78734/2318004/Media/Files/Marketing-Development-Files/Florida-Agriculture-by-the-Numbers-2019-Statistical-Report/florida-ag-by-the-numbers-2020.pdf.
Martin County Business Development Board. 2015. Martin County Business, Agricultural Edition. Footprint of Agriculture in Martin County. https://archive.tcpalm.com/sponsored/mcbdb/footprint-of-agriculture-in-martin-county-ep-1198750986-337526711.html/.
Martin County Property Appraiser. 2023. "Classified Agriculture." Martin County Property Appraiser, Hobe Sound, FL. https://www.pa.martin.fl.us/tools-resources/data-downloads.
United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service (USDA-AMS). 2010. "Getting to Scale with Regional Food Hubs." United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Washington, DC. https://www.usda.gov/media/blog/2010/12/14/getting-scale-regional-food-hubs
United States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service (USDA-NASS). 2019. 2017 Census of Agriculture Volume 1. Chapter 2: County Level Data. United States Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Statistics Service, Washington, DC. https://www.nass.usda.gov/Publications/AgCensus/2017/Full_Report/Volume_1,_Chapter_2_County_Level/Florida/