In recent years, consumers increasingly are seeking out locally grown foods, due to concern for freshness, food safety, and the carbon footprint associated with food sourced from distant places. This 5-page fact sheet promotes local vegetable consumption by pointing out some of the advantages, benefits, and business opportunities associated with local vegetable production and consumption. Written by Qingren Wang, Edward A. Evans, Margie Pikarsky, and Teresa Olczyk, and published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, September 2014.
HS1251/HS1251: Consuming Local Vegetables from Our Local Growers (ufl.edu)
Bruce, B. 2011. "Local produce near top of hot menu trends." The Packer. May 24. http://www.thepacker.com/fruit-vegetable-news/122513864.html.
Dade County Farm Bureau. No date. "What is Redland Raised?" http://www.dade-agriculture.org.
Dane County Planning and Development Department. 2011. "Southern Wisconsin Food Hub Feasibility Study." http://www.countyofdane.com/Purchasing/RFI__111101_Packing_House_Study.pdf
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). No date. "Join 'Fresh from Florida'." http://www.freshfromflorida.com/divisions-offices/marketing-and-development/agriculture-industry/join-Fresh-From-Florida.
National Farm to School Network. No date. Farm to School Programs in the US (Estimated), http://www.farmtoschool.org/index.php.
National Grocers Association. 2011. "National grocers association consumer survey report." http://www.supermarketguru.com/public/pdf/consumer-Panel-Survey-2011.pdf.
Schmitt, R. 2014. "FDA losing battle against tainted imported food." The Seattle Times. July 5.
USDA Agricultural Marketing Service. 2009. National Farmers' Market Directory. http://farmersmarkets.usda.gov.
USDA. 2012. "Know your farmer know your food." http://www.usda.gov/document/KYFCompass.pdf.
Wilkinson, F. 2011. "Local produce near top of hot menu trends." The Packer May 24. http://www.thepacker.com/fruit-vegetable-news/122513864.htm.