What Else Can Surface Water Buffer Systems Do?—Exploring Multiple Ecosystem Services
A night sky image with star trails over greenhouses at the Plant Science Research and Education Center in Citra, Florida.
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Ecosystem Services in Florida


How to Cite

Wu, Lei, Rafael R. Muñoz-Carpena, and Yuncong Li. 2016. “What Else Can Surface Water Buffer Systems Do?—Exploring Multiple Ecosystem Services: SL433 SS647, 11 2015”. EDIS 2016 (1). Gainesville, FL:5. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-ss647-2015.


As society confronts the consequences of global warming, deteriorating water quality, and impoverished biodiversity, there is a growing urgency to develop and expand water buffers' multifunctional ecosystem services. However, limited information is available on other potential co-benefits associated with the use of buffers, particularly VFSs. This 5-page fact sheet provides information on buffers' multiple ecosystem benefits, such as niche products production, carbon sequestration, and flood risk mitigation, as well as recommendations on future research needs necessary to enhance multiple ecosystem services and benefits of buffers. Written by Lei Wu, Rafael Muñoz-Carpena, and Yuncong Li, and published by the UF Department of Soil and Water Science, November 2015.  

SL433/SS647: What Else Can Surface Water Buffer Systems Do?—Exploring Multiple Ecosystem Services (ufl.edu)

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