Alimentos en Pure: Prueba de Textura con la Prueba de Desplome
A fawn at a private deer farm. Photo from publication WEC382/UW427: Trueperella (Arcanobacterium pyogenes) in Farmed White-Tailed Deer. Credit: Tyler Jones, UF/IFAS.
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Alimentos en Puré

How to Cite

Dahl, Wendy J. 2017. “Alimentos En Pure: Prueba De Textura Con La Prueba De Desplome: FSHN-15-12s FS288, 5 2016”. EDIS 2017 (1). Gainesville, FL:4.


This is the Spanish version of FS276 Pureed Foods: Texture Testing with the Slump Test. For individuals with dysphagia, the texture of puréed foods is extremely important. If the puréed foods are either too thick or too thin, it can make it more difficult to swallow. The slump test is a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to assess the texture of foods. This four-page fact sheet describes the slump test, how to perform a slump test, and how the slump test can be used to evaluate the texture of puréed foods. Written by Wendy J. Dahl, and published by the Food Science and Human Nutrition Department.­
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Bourne, MC. 2002. Food Texture and Viscosity: Concept and Measurement. Second Edition. Academic Press, New York

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