Manual de Práticas para o Melhor Manejo Pós-Colheita da Manga
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Brecht, Jeffrey K., Steven A. Sargent, Adel A. Kader, Elizabeth J. Mitcham, Fernando Maul, Patrick E. Brecht, and Octavio Menocal. 2020. “Manual De Práticas Para O Melhor Manejo Pós-Colheita Da Manga: HS1194, Rev. 10 2020”. EDIS 2020 (5). Gainesville, FL.


Improving the quality and consistency of the fresh mangos that are available to consumers in the United States is an important goal of the National Mango Board (NMB). The NMB-funded project, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Mango Supply Chain to Improve Mango Quality (referred to hereafter as the Mango Quality Project), was conducted from December 2007 through April 2009 to identify impediments to successfully meeting that goal. The final deliverable of the Mango Quality Project is this best management practices manual for harvesting and handling mangos marketed in the U.S. The manual includes quality-control procedures to use when monitoring the maturity and quality of mangos in commercial handling operations.
The 77-page manual (10 MB pdf), written in Portuguese, was most recently revised in October 2020. The English version is available at
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Sargent, S. A., M. A. Ritenour, and J. K. Brecht. 2008. Handling, Cooling, and Sanitization Techniques for Maintaining Post-Harvesting Quality. SP170. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. https://

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing Service. 2007a. The National Organic Program Production and Handling - Preamble. Subpart C - Organic crop, wild crop, livestock and handling requirements. https://www.ams. and%20Handling%20Preamble.pdf

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Marketing Service. 2007b. National list of allowed and prohibited substances. national-organic-program-national-list-allowed-and- prohibited-substances-crops

U.S. Department of Agriculture. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Plant Protection and Quarantine. 2016. Treatment manual. export/plants/manuals/ports/downloads/treatment.pdf

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2019. Safe Drinking Water Act.

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