Intercropping, Crop Diversity and Pest Management
Squash with living mulch of buckwheat.
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How to Cite

Smith, Hugh A., and Oscar E. Liburd. 2012. “Intercropping, Crop Diversity and Pest Management: ENY862/IN922, 2/2012”. EDIS 2012 (3). Gainesville, FL.


Growing different crops in the same field and/or planting different crops on the same plot during different times of the year can reduce insect pest populations, increase beneficial insects, and suppress weeds. In addition, non-crop plants such as weeds, cover crops, and habitat plantings can be combined in space and time to influence numbers of pest and beneficial arthropods on the main crop. This 7-page fact sheet was written by Hugh A. Smith and Oscar E. Liburd, and published by the UF Department of Entomology and Nematology, February 2012.

ENY862/IN922: Intercropping, Crop Diversity and Pest Management (
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