What Is an Extension Program?
EDIS Cover Volume 2011 Number 5/6 Extension agent image
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How to Cite

Israel, Glenn D., Amy Harder, and Cheri Winton Brodeur. 2011. “What Is an Extension Program? WC108 WC108, 5 2011”. EDIS 2011 (5/6). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc108-2011.


This 3-page fact sheet provides a definition for the term program and discusses the primary components included in a program. Written by Glenn Israel, Amy Harder, and Cheri Winton Brodeur and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, May 2011.

Revised June 2015.

WC108/WC108: What Is an Extension Program? (ufl.edu)

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