How to Effectively Reduce Sales Call Reluctance
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Thornhill, Kathryn, Allen F. Wysocki, and Riley Thompson. 2003. “How to Effectively Reduce Sales Call Reluctance: SN011, 5/2003”. EDIS 2003 (9). Gainesville, FL.


This document is intended for salespeople who must seek out potential customers, as opposed to waiting for
prospects to enter a retail establishment. For these sales professionals, the sales process begins with the
salesperson contacting the potential client to schedule an appointment. Types of Call Reluctance, reasons for Call Reluctance, and suggestions for reducing Call Reluctance are presented in this document. This is EDIS document SN011, a publication of the Department of Food and Resource Economics, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. Published May 2003. 

SN011/SN011: How to Effectively Reduce Sales Call Reluctance (
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Carroll, John. 2002. How to overcome sales call reluctance. [Online] website located at: Date visited: September 10, 2002.

Exceptional Sales. 2002a. 12 types of call reluctance. [Online] website at: Date visited: September 10, 2002.

Exceptional Sales. 2002b. Overcome sales call reluctance with exceptional sales performance. [Online] website at: Dated visited: September 10, 2002.

High Probability Selling. 2002. Eliminate the fear of rejection and cold call reluctance. [Online] website at: Date visited: September 10, 2002.

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