2016 South Florida Beef Forage Survey Results
Young heifers at the Range Cattle Research Station. These beef cows are all at least 3/4 Angus. They are part of an attempt to create a white Angus breed. During the summer the white cows, coined "white Angus" by the researchers in Ona, have a body temperature that is one degree cooler than the traditional black Angus. UF/IFAS Photo: Sally Lanigan.


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Palabras clave

beef cattle
weed control


Cómo citar

Bennett, Laura, Jonael Bosques, Sarah Bostick, Lauren Butler, Sonja Crawford, Taylor Davis, Christa Kirby, et al. (2016) 2021. «2016 South Florida Beef Forage Survey Results: SS-AGR-407 AG410, 9 2021». EDIS 2021 (4). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-ag410-2016.


The UF/IFAS South Florida Beef Forage Program (UF/IFAS SFBFP) is composed of county Extension faculty and state specialists. The members, in conjunction with the UF/IFAS Program Evaluation and Organizational Development unit, created a survey in 1982, which is used to evaluate ranch management practices to determine benchmarks in cattle production and pasture management. The survey is updated and distributed every five years to ranchers in 14 south Florida counties: Charlotte, Collier, DeSoto, Glades, Hardee, Hendry, Highlands, Hillsborough, Lee, Manatee, Martin, Okeechobee, Polk, and Sarasota. There were 112 anonymous responses.

SS-AGR-407/AG410: 2016 South Florida Beef Forage Survey Results (ufl.edu)

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Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 2008. "Water Quality Best Management Practices for Florida Cow/Calf Operations." Office of Agricultural Water Policy, DACS-P-01280. Accessed on October 5, 2016. http://freshfromflorida.s3.amazonaws.com/Bmp_FloridaCowCalf2008.pdf

Derechos de autor 2016 EDIS Journal