“Push-pull” Technology and Companion Planting: A Dual Strategy for Insect Pest Management in High Tunnel Vegetable Production and Organic Systems
Various types of green leafy plants and crops in rows under high tunnel greenhouse.
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Palabras clave

'push-pull' strategy
integrated pest management
protected cultivation
companion crops
biological insect control


Cómo citar

Legaspi, Jesusa, Alejandro Bolques, Fanny Ospina, Shufang Tian, Juan Carlos Díaz-Pérez, Amanda C. Hodges, Adam J. Pitcher, y Xin Zhao. 2024. «“Push-pull” Technology and Companion Planting: A Dual Strategy for Insect Pest Management in High Tunnel Vegetable Production and Organic Systems: HS1486, 9/2024». EDIS 2024 (5). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-hs1486-2024.


This publication is aimed to introduce “push-pull” technology and companion planting for pest management to high tunnel vegetable growers. It is also of interest to other crop producers wishing to improve their IPM practices.

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