While citrus growers are rightfully concerned about restoring the health of their HLB-infected trees, more study and consideration should be given to mechanical harvesting. The costs to grow and harvest citrus have been escalating significantly since 2006, and the cost savings potential from mechanical harvesting technologies can help Florida growers remain economically viable. This 4-page fact sheet was written by F.M. Roka, R.J. Ehsani, S.H. Futch, and B.R. Hyman, and published by the UF Department of Food and Resource Economics, August 2014.
Burns, J.K., F.M. Roka, K. Li, L. Pozo, and R.E. Buker. 2006. Late season 'Valencia' orange mechanical harvesting with an abscission agent and low frequency harvesting. HortScience 41:660-663.
Coppock, G.E. 1972. Properties of young and mature 'Valencia' oranges related to selective harvest by mechanical means. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 15 (2): 235-238.
Coppock, G.E. and S.L. Hedden. 1968. Design and Development of a Tree-Shaker Harvest System for Citrus Fruit. Transactions of the ASAE 11(3):339-342.
FDOC. 2013. Citrus Mechanical Harvesting Website. Florida Department of Citrus, Lakeland, FL
Hedden, S.L., D.B. Churchill, and J.D. Whitney. 1988. Trunk shakers for citrus harvesting-part II: Tree growth, fruit yield and removal. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 4: 102-106.
Muraro, R.P. 2012. Estimated average picking, roadsiding, and hauling charges for Florida citrus, 2011-12 season. Citrus Research and Education Center, University of Florida, Lake Alfred, FL. 2011-12.pdf.
Roka, F.M., R.J. Ehsani, S.H. Futch, and B.R. Hyman. 2014. Citrus mechanical harvesting systems: Continuous canopy shakers. FE951. UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL.
Roka, F.M., L.A. House, and K.R. Mosley. 2014. Mechanically harvesting sweet orange trees in Florida: Addressing grower concerns about production and long-term tree health. FE949. UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL.
Roka, F.M. and B.R. Hyman. 2013. Measuring productivity of citrus hand harvesters and assessing implications on harvest costs and mechanical harvesting development. FE933. UF/IFAS Extension, Gainesville, FL.
Whitney, J.D. 2003. Trunk shaker and abscission chemical effects on yields, fruit removal, and growth of orange trees. Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society 116:230-235.