Maximizing the Use of Soil Moisture Sensors
EDIS Cover Volume 2022 Peer reviewed articles in Citrus Industry Magazine
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Kadyampakeni, Davie Mayeso, y Sandra Guzman. 2022. «Maximizing the Use of Soil Moisture Sensors: Soil Moisture Sensors». EDIS 2022 (octubre). Gainesville, FL.


Citrus trees require water to be able to carry out the natural processes of growth, making food, and developing fruit and juice. To get the water from the soil, the fibrous roots do the extraneous work of absorbing the water and carrying it via the transpiration stream (or the water highway) to the leaves. The water in the soil is made available through either irrigation or rainfall. In this article, we will focus on how to use soil moisture sensors to determine how much to apply and how to use sensors for irrigation management.

View article (English)


Muñoz-Carpena, R., 2004. Field Devices for Monitoring Soil Water Content: BUL343/AE266, 7/2004. EDIS, 2004(8).

Schumann, A., Waldo, L., Kadyampakeni, D., Ferrarezi, R., & Oswalt, C. (2018). Using soil moisture sensors for citrus irrigation. Citrus Industry News. http://citrusindustry. net/2018/07/10/using-soil-moisture-sensors-for-citrus-irrigation.

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