Almaco jack, Seriola rivoliana, is a perciform within the order Perciformes, family Carangidae; which includes jacks and pompanos. They are members of the genus Seriola, a species of interest for aquaculture diversification worldwide. Like other commercially farmed Seriola species, almaco jack (also known as longfin yellowtail and kampachi) are fast growers, have a high market value, and are increasingly well-regarded among chefs for their versatility in both cooked and raw preparations. These characteristics, among others, have made them favorable candidates for both land-based and offshore aquaculture.
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Patrick, G., A. M. Tarnecki, N. Rhody, R. Schloesser, K. Main, R. Yanong, and R. Francis‐Floyd. 2019. “Disinfection of Almaco Jack (Seriola rivoliana Valenciennes) Eggs: Evaluation of Three Chemicals.” Aquaculture Research 50 (12): 3793–3801.
Quiñones-Arreola, M. F., G. Fabiola Arcos-Ortega, V. Gracia-López, R. Casillas-Hernández, C. Weirich, T. Morris, M. Díaz-Tenorio, and C. Ibarra-Gámez. 2015. "Reproductive Broodstock Performance and Egg Quality of Wild-Caught and First-Generation Domesticated Seriola rivoliana Reared under Same Culture Conditions.” Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research 43:953–962.
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