The Art of Goodbye: Planning Final Arrangements
A woman holding a tissue sitting at a table talking with a man with his back to the camera.
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Palabras clave

Planning Final Arrangements


Cómo citar

Spence, Lynda. 2016. «The Art of Goodbye: Planning Final Arrangements: FCS3335 FY1466, 7 2016». EDIS 2016 (6). Gainesville, FL:7.


The consumer is faced with complex personal decisions while making final arrangements. Final arrangements might include a religious ritual, service, tribute, funeral, and/or burial. This 7-page fact sheet, part of a new series entitled The Art of Goodbye: End of Life Education series, is designed to help in the development of a final arrangements plan using a coordinated approach. This document discusses the Funeral Rule, determinants, funeral providers, types of final arrangements, tissue or organ donation, body donation, preplanning, and prepaying. Written by Lynda Spence, and published by the UF Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, July 2016. 

FCS3335/FY1466: The Art of Goodbye: Planning Final Arrangements (
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PDF-2016 (English)


40 CFR §229.1. Accessed on July 14, 2016.

Federal Trade Commission. (n.d.). The FTC Funeral Rule. Accessed on February 3, 2013.

Federal Trade Commission. (n.d.). Funerals: A consumer guide. Accessed on February 3, 2013.

Federal Trade Commission. (2013). Shopping for funeral services. Accessed on February 3, 2013.

Florida Division of Funeral, Cemetery & Consumer Services. (n.d.). Consumer tips. Accessed on June 12, 2013.

Green Burial Council. (n.d.). What is the Green Burial Council? Accessed on July 15, 2016.

Harrison, M. N. (2000). Pyramids to Urns: Funeral Costs and Options. FY023. Gainesville: University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

United States Navy. (2016). United States Navy Mortuary Affairs Burial at Sea program. Accessed on February 10, 2013.