Using Dicamba in Dicamba-Tolerant Crops
Cotton on a farm in Washington County.
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Palabras clave

Herbicide-tolerant crops
Low-volatility dicamba
Dicamba stewardship

Cómo citar

Ferrell, Jason, y Pratap Devkota. 2020. «Using Dicamba in Dicamba-Tolerant Crops: SS-AGR-412 AG414, Rev. 06 2020». EDIS 2020 (6). Gainesville, FL:3.


This 3-page publication discusses the following considerations regarding the use of dicamba in dicamba-tolerant crops: dicamba product selection, tank-mix products, buffer requirements, nozzle selection, boom height, wind speed, and ground speed. Written by J. A. Ferrell and P. Devkota, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, revised June 2020.
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