Best Management Practices for Live Bee Removals in Florida: A Beekeeper’s Guide
Photo of a mass of bees on honeycomb.
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Palabras clave

live bee removal
honey bee
bee removal

Cómo citar

Bammer, Mary, Jamie Ellis, Eric Baxter, Krista Butler, John Coldwell, B. Keith Councell, Kevin Easton, Brendhan Horne, Brandi Stanford, y Amy T. Vu. 2020. «Best Management Practices for Live Bee Removals in Florida: A Beekeeper’s Guide: ENY-2052 IN1297, 12 2012». EDIS 2020 (6). Gainesville, FL:14.


Feral colonies of honey bees nesting near humans or domestic animals can pose a stinging threat and may be considered a nuisance and possibly a threat to animal or public health, and therefore bees often need to be removed or eradicated when they are found nesting near homes or other property. This 14-page guide written by Mary Bammer, Jamie Ellis, Eric Baxter, Krista Butler, John Coldwell, B. Keith Councell, Kevin Easton, Brendhan Horne, Brandi Stanford, and Amy T. Vu and published by the UF/IFAS Entomology and Nematology Department details best management practices for live bee removals and serves as a reference for beekeepers who choose to perform live bee removal services in Florida.
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