FA161, an 8-page illustrated fact sheet by Roy P. E. Yanong, Carlos Martinez, and Craig A. Watson, explains for ornamental fish producers the mode of action and considerations for the use of ovaprim, a hormone product used as a spawning aid. Includes references. Published by the UF Program in Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, School of Forest Resources and Conservation, December 2009.
FA161/FA161: Use of Ovaprim in Ornamental Fish Aquaculture (
Cheah, M.S.H., and C.L. Lee. 2000. Induced ovulation of the Australian eel-tailed catfish Neosiluris ater (Perugia) with Ovaprim. Asian Fisheries Science 13:87-96.
Evans, D.H., and J.B. Claiborne. 2006. The physiology of fishes. Third edition. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press, 601 pp.
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FDA-CVM MUMS Index List (accessed October 13, 2009)
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Hill, J.E., J.D. Baldwin, J.S. Graves, R. Leonard, J.F.F. Powell, and C.A. Watson. 2005. Preliminary observations of topical gill application of reproductive hormones for induced spawning of a tropical ornamental fish. North American Journal of Aquaculture 67:7-9.
Hill, J.E., K.H. Kilgore, D.B. Pouder, J.F.F. Powell, C.A. Watson, and R.P.E. Yanong. 2009. Survey of OvaprimTM use as a spawning aid in ornamental fishes in the United States as administered through the University of Florida Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory (2005-2007). North American Journal of Aquaculture 71(3): 206-209.
Ovaprim Freedom of Information Summary (accessed November 12 2009)
Ovaprim Label (accessed November 12, 2009)
Powell, J.F.F., S.L. Krueckl, P.M. Collins, and N.M. Sherwood. 1996. Molecular forms of GnRH in three model fishes: rockfish, medaka and zebrafish. Journal of Endocrinology 150:17-23.
Powell, J.F.F., J. Brackett, and J.A. Battaglia. 1998. Induced and synchronized spawning of captive broodstock using Ovaplant and Ovaprim. Bulletin of the Aquaculture Association of Canada 3:14-18.
Rottmann, R.W., Shireman, J.V., and F.A. Chapman. 1991a. SRAC 0421 Introduction to Hormone-Induced Spawning of Fish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. USDA
Rottmann, R.W., J.V. Shireman, and F.A. Chapman. 1991b.SRAC 0422 Capturing, Handling, Transporting, Injecting and Holding Brood Fish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. USDA.
Rottmann, R.W., Shireman, J.V., and F.A. Chapman. 1991c. SRAC 0423 Determining Sexual Maturity of Broodstock for Induced Spawning of Fish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. USDA.
Rottmann, R.W., J.V. Shireman, and F.A. Chapman. 1991d. SRAC 0424 Hormonal Control of Reproduction in Fish for Induced Spawning. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. USDA.
Rottmann, R.W., J.V. Shireman, and F.A. Chapman. 1991e. SRAC 0425 Hormone Preparation, Dosage Calculation, and Injection Techniques. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. USDA.
Rottmann, R.W., J.V. Shireman, and F.A. Chapman. 1991f. SRAC 0426 Techniques for Taking and Fertilizing the Spawn of Fish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. USDA.
Rottmann, R.W., J.V. Shireman, and F.A. Chapman. 1991g. SRAC 0427 Induction and Verification of Triploidy in Fish. Southern Regional Aquaculture Center. USDA.
Sahoo, S.K., S.S. Giri, and A.K. Sahu. 2005. Induced spawning of Asian catfish, Clarias batrachus (Linn.): effect of various latency periods and sGnRHa and domperidone doses on spawning performance and egg quality. Aquaculture Research 36:1273-1278.
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Western Chemical, Inc., Ferndale, WA (accessed November 12, 2009)