Trophy -- A New Winter Oat Cultivar for Both Grain and Forage
EDIS Cover Volume 2007 Number 20 nursery image
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Blount, Ann, Ronald Barnett, Stephen A. Harrison, y Cheryl Mackowiak. 2007. «Trophy -- A New Winter Oat Cultivar for Both Grain and Forage: SS AGR 282 AG287, 10 2007». EDIS 2007 (20). Gainesville, FL.


SS-AGR-282, a 2-page fact sheet by Ann Blount, Ronald Barnett, Stephen A. Harrison, and Cheryl Mackowiak, describes this new winter oat cultivar with considerable potential for grain, forage, conservation tillage, and wildlife purposes in the Southern US. Published by the UF Department of Agronomy, October 2007.

SS AGR 282/AG287: Trophy—A New Winter Oat Cultivar for Both Grain and Forage (
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