Update and Outlook for 2005 of Florida's BMP Program for Vegetable Crops
EDIS Cover Volume 2005 Number 5 worms image
PDF-2005 (English)

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Cómo citar

Gilbert, Celeste A., y Eric H. Simonne. 2005. «Update and Outlook for 2005 of Florida’s BMP Program for Vegetable Crops: HS1013 HS256, 5 2005». EDIS 2005 (5). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-hs256-2005.


With the onset of the implementation of the BMP program for vegetable crops, growers may be interested, concerned and confused about how the program will affect their production practices. This publication is meant to answer some of these concerns and provide an update on the status of the BMP manual for vegetable crops, with an emphasis on the rule making progress and acceptable strategies for nutrient management. This document is HS1013, one of a series of the Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: May 2005.

PDF-2005 (English)


Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. 2003. Florida Vegetable and Agronomic Crop Water Quality BMP Manual. Fla. Dept. of Agr. Cons. Serv., Tallahassee, Fla. Jan. 6, 2005. http://www.floridaagwaterpolicy.com/PDFs/BMPs/vegetable&agronomicCrops.pdf

Olson, S.M., and E.H. Simonne (eds). 2004-2005. Vegetable Production Handbook for Florida. SP170, UF/IFAS, Fla. Coop. Ext. Serv. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/TOPIC_GUIDE_Vegetable_Production_Guide_for_Florida

South Florida Water Management District. 2002. Minimum Flows and Levels Web Site. Included on this web site are a power point presentation and links to information pertaining to specific bodies of water. http://www.sfwmd.gov/org/wsd/mfl/index.html

Simonne, E.H. 2004. From BMPs to BMP Plan: Navigating the BMP Manual for Vegetables. Citrus & Vegetable Mag., Sept. p. 19.

Simonne, E.H., C.M Hutchinson, M.D. Dukes, G.J. Hochmuth and R.C. Hochmuth. 2003. Update and Outlook for 2003 of Florida's BMP Program for Vegetable Crops. HS916, UF/IFAS, Fla. Coop. Ext. Serv. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/HS170 https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-hs170-2003

Simonne, E., D. Studstill, R. Hochmuth, T. Olczyk, M. Dukes, R. Munoz-Carpena and Y. Li. 2002. Drip Irrigation: The BMP Era. Citrus & Vegetable Mag., Oct. pp. 6-18.
