If you maintain St. Augustinegrass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) in Florida, its possible that gray leaf spot, caused by the fungus Magnaporthe grisea (Pyricularia grisea), will be a problem in your lawn or sod field. Research has proven the effectiveness of amendments of silicon (Si) to soils that are deficient in soluble Si (<25 mg/L) for control of diseases on a number of hosts including rice and sugarcane, which are regularly fertilized with Si in south Florida. This document is PP-67, one of a series of the Plant Pathology Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. Publication date: July, 2003.
Datnoff, L.E., Deren, C.W., and Snyder, G.H. 1997. Silicon fertilization for disease management of rice in Florida. Crop Protection 16:525-531.
Datnoff, L.E., and Nagata, R.T. 1999. Influence of silicon on gray leaf spot development in St. Augustinegrass. Phytopathology 89:S19. (Abstr.)
Datnoff, L.E., Snyder, G.H., and Korndorfer, G.H. 2001. Silicon in Agriculture. Elsevier Science. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 403 pp.
Freeman, T.E. 1962. Gray Leaf Spot Preys on St. Augustinegrass. Florida Agriculture Experiment State Research Report 7(2): 8-9.
Hamel, S.C., and Heckman, J.R. 1999. Impact of mineral silicon products on powdery mildew in greenhouse grown turf. Rutgers Turfgrass Proceedings, Rutgers, New Jersey. Volume 31:215-219.
Linjuan, Z., Junping, J., Lijun, W., Min, L., and Fusuo, Z. 1999. Effects of silicon on the seedling growth of creeping bentgrass and zoysiagrass. pp. 381. In: Datnoff, L.E., Snyder, and Korndorfer, G.H. (eds.) Silicon in Agriculture. Elsevier Science. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Savant N.K., Korndorfer, G.H., Datnoff, L.E., and Snyder, G.H. 1999. Silicon nutrition and sugarcane production: a review. Journal of Plant Nutrition 22(12): 1853-1903.
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