Vol. 2022 No. 5
New and Revised Publications, September and October 2022

UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center

Nirmal Timilsina, Sharpton Toussaint, Camille McAvoy, Ramdas Kanissery
Biology and Management of Horseweed (Conyza canadensis) in Citrus Groves: HS1451, 9/2022
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Department of Agricultural Education and Communication

John Diaz, Cody Gusto, Colby Silvert, K. S. U. Jayaratne, Lendel Narine, Sharon Couch, Celina Wille, Nozella Brown, Cintia Aguilar, Dionardo Pizaña, Kris Parker, Gayle Coon, Merrianneeta Nesbitt, Laura Valencia, Dominic Ledesma, Lupita Fabregas
Intercultural Competence in Extension Education: Applications of an Expert-Developed Model: AEC760/WC421, 9/2022
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Heather R. Nesbitt, Debra M. Barry
Cooperating Teachers’ Best Practices for Mentoring #3: Professional Support: WC422/AEC761, 10/2022
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Heather R. Nesbitt, Debra M. Barry
Cooperating Teachers’ Best Practices for Mentoring #1: Supporting Cooperating Teachers: WC419/AEC758, 9/2022
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Heather R. Nesbitt, Debra M. Barry
Cooperating Teachers’ Best Practices for Mentoring #4: Role Modeling: WC423/AEC762, 10/2022
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Heather R. Nesbitt, Debra M. Barry
Cooperating Teachers’ Best Practices for Mentoring #2: Social Support: WC420/AEC759, 9/2022
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Caroline R. Warwick, Alexa J. Lamm; Laura A. Sanagorski Warner (Revision Author)
Extension and the Environment: Understanding Florida Residents' Perceptions of Environmental Water-Related Topics: WC167/AEC503, rev. 9/2022
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Lauri M. Baker, Caroline G. Roper, Meridith M. Oglesby, Olivia K. Doyle, Valentine Castano, Joy N. Rumble
Talking Local: Florida Consumers’ Flexibility with the Term “Local”: AEC515/WC180, 10/2022
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Food Science and Human Nutrition Department

Andrea Krenek, Anne Mathews; Wendy Dahl (Contributor)
Best Practices for Culinary Medicine Programming: FS445/FSHN22-9, 10/2022
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Jennifer Campestrini, Amber Fritsche, Kelsi Garcia, Kaitlyn Grange, Kaylan Hebert, Anastasia Narizhnaya, Diannette Osorio Rexach, Rebecca Preece, Wendy J. Dahl
Exploring Intuitive Eating: FS443/FSHN22-8, 10/2022
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Leigh Nova, Linda Bobroff, Wendy Lynch
Fall Prevention: How to Handle a Fall: FCS2233/FY739, rev. 9/2022
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Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Program (FFGS)

Lisa Chong, Angela B. Collins, Holly Abeels, Anna Braswell, Ana Zangroniz, Andrew Ropicki, Scott Jackson, Edward V. Camp
Artificial Reefs in Florida 101: Effects on Fishers (and Divers))—Part 3 of an Artificial Reef Series: FA243, 10/2022
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Edward V. Camp, Lisa Chong, Angela B. Collins, Holly Abeels, Keith Mille, Brittany Hall-Scharf, Ana Zangroniz, Scott Jackson, Shelly Krueger, Victor Blanco
An Update on Florida’s Artificial Reefs: Recent Research and What It Means for Florida: FA245, 10/2022
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Department of Soil, Water, and Ecosystem Sciences

Maria Silveira, Rosvel Bracho, Curtis Dell, Abmael Cardoso
Pasture’s Role in Climate Change Mitigation: SS708/SL495, 9/2022
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Historical Fact Sheets

Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II, Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Adverse Possession: FE678/FE678, rev. 9/2022
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Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author); Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery W. Van Treese II (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Trees and Landowner Responsibility: FE962/FE962, 9/2022
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Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II, Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Table of Contents: FE677/FE677, rev. 9/2022
Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author); Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Adjoining Landowners: FE106/FE106, rev. 9/2022
Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II, Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Background and Definitions: FE104/FE104, rev. 9/2022
Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II, Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Boundaries and Possession: FE107/FE107, rev. 9/2022
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Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II, Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Duty to Fence: FE105/FE105, rev. 9/2022
Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II, Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Eminent Domain: FE679/FE679, rev. 9/2022
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Christopher A. Hill, Jeffery Van Treese II (Revision Author); Michael T. Olexa
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Easements and Rights of Way: FE108/FE108, rev. 9/2022
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Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author); Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Fence Contracts: FE110/FE110, rev. 9/2022
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Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II, Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Maintaining the Boundaries and Grounds: FE109/FE109, rev. 9/2022
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Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author); Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Visitors and Responsibilities to Visitors: FE111/FE111, rev. 9/2022
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Michael T. Olexa; Jeffery Van Treese II, Christopher A. Hill (Revision Author)
Handbook of Florida Fence and Property Law: Glossary: FE112/FE112, rev. 9/2022
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