Seed Piece Spacing Recommendation for Table-Stock Potato Cultivars in Florida
Aerial view of a person igniting a prescribed fire along a fire line. Closer to the camera there are flames and dark smoke, and farther away there is only white smoke, rising away from the fireline, with a few trees poking up through it..
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tuber diameter
Solanum tuberosum
tuber size distribution
tuber yield
Red LaSoda
purple potato


How to Cite

Andrade, Mario H. M. L., Luis G. Pesantes, Christian T. Christensen, Lakesh Sharma, and Lincoln Zotarelli. 2022. “Seed Piece Spacing Recommendation for Table-Stock Potato Cultivars in Florida: HS1446, 9/2022”. EDIS 2022 (5). Gainesville, FL.


This new 6-page publication of the UF/IFAS Horticultural Sciences Department focuses on the adjustment of potato seed piece spacing of table-stock cultivars for Florida production. The aim is to provide management strategies that minimize potato seed costs, increase yield, and reach the marked demand for specific tuber size distribution, all of which are important factors for the table-stock potato industry. Written by Mario H. M. L. Andrade, Luis G. Pesantes, Christian T. Christensen, Lakesh Sharma and Lincoln Zotarelli.
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Andrade, M. H. M. L., A. L. B. R. da Silva, L. G. Pesantes, C. T. Christensen, and L. Zotarelli. 2021. “Seed Piece Spacing for Early-Maturing Table-Stock Potato Grown under Subtropical Conditions.” American Journal of Potato Research 98:246–254.

Krupek, F. S., C. T. Christensen, C. E. Barrett, and L. Zotarelli. 2017. “Seed Piece Spacing for Spring Chipping Potato Cultivars in Florida.” HortScience 52 (2): 230–235.

Smith, S. A., and T. G. Taylor. 2011. “Production Costs and Commodities Budgets for Selected Florida Vegetables – Potatoes: FE436, 02/2011.” EDIS 2011 (4). and

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