2.1 Urban Water Conservation, Quality and Awareness (includes Lawn and Garden)

Increasing knowledge of water quality issues and FFL/GIBMP practices, and to promote adoption of FFL/GIBMP principles resulting in behavior changes that will reduce non-point source pollution and the potential for surface and ground water impairment.

All Items

J. E. Davis, F. Oi, L. Sanderson, B. Moffis, B. Lester
Landscaping Methods to Prevent Pests from Entering Your Home: ENY2098/IN1397, 3/2023
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Nicholas Taylor, Kaitlin Robb Price, Bradley Spatz
How much water am I using for my yard? AE585, 3/2023
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Olesya Malakhova, Wendy L. Wilber, Sandra B. Wilson, Kacey A. Russo, Jesse C. Jones, Brooke L. Moffis, Johanna Walker, Basil V. Iannone III
Getting Into the “weeds”: An Introduction to Common Lawn Plants and Their Ecological Benefits in North Central Florida: FOR388/FR459, 2/2023
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Terra Freeman, Tiare Silvasy, Yilin Zhuang; Esen Momol (Contributor)
Reclaimed Water in Your Florida-Friendly Edible Landscape: EP628/ENH1364, 1/2023
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Tina McIntyre, Hamutahl Cohen, Rachel Gutner, Tiare Silvasy, Esen Momol
Rethinking Wildlife in Your Florida-Friendly Edible Landscape: EP630/ENH1366, 1/2023
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Tina McIntyre, Rachel Gutner, Hamutahl Cohen, Tiare Silvasy, Esen Momol
A Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Approach to Pest Management in Your Edible Landscape: EP629/ENH1365, 1/2023
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Natalie Pegg, Mark Hostetler
Potential Breeding Habitat for Forest Birds Suburbs: WEC455/UW500, 12/2022
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Yuvraj Khamare, Chris Marble
Common Poisonous Weed and Invasive Plant Species in Florida Residential Landscapes: EP631/ENH1367, 12/2022
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Julian Ginori, Heqiang Huo, Dave Norman
A Beginner's Guide to Begonias: Begonia rex-cultorum: EP632/ENH1368, 12/2022
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Don Rainey, Esen Momol, Jennifer Marvin, Tom Wichman, Chris Marble, Lynn Barber, Susan Haddock
Florida-Friendly Mulches and Their Uses: EP626/ENH1362, 12/2022
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Tina McIntyre, Rachel Gutner, Tiare Silvasy, Jacqlyn Rivas, Esen Momol
Mulching Herbs, Vegetables and Fruit Trees in The Florida-Friendly Edible Landscape: EP625/ENH1361, 11/2022
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Carol Wyatt-Evens, Adam Dale
Two-lined spittlebug, Prosapia bicincta (Say) (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cercopidae): EENY790/IN1369, 7/2022
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Caroline R. Warwick, Alexa J. Lamm; Laura A. Sanagorski Warner (Revision Author)
Extension and the Environment: Understanding Florida Residents' Perceptions of Environmental Water-Related Topics: WC167/AEC503, rev. 9/2022
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Amy L. Shober (Former Author); Alexander J. Reisinger
Nitrogen in the Home Landscape: SL254/SS479, rev. 8/2022
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Rachel Gutner, Tina McIntyre, Tiare Silvasy, Hamutahl Cohen, Esen Momol
Pruning, Harvesting and Maintenance of Florida-Friendly Edible Landscapes: EP622/ENH1358, 8/2022
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Tina McIntyre, Rachel Gutner, Tiare Silvasy, Esen Momol
Soil Health and Fertility of Florida-Friendly Edible Landscapes: EP624/ENH1360, 8/2022
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Haimanote K. Bayabil, Sandra M. Guzman (Revision Author); Fedro S. Zazueta, Dorota Z. Haman (Former Author)
Potential Impacts of Improper Irrigation System Design: AE73/AE027, rev. 8/2022
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J. Bryan Unruh, Marco Schiavon, Alex J. Lindsey, Kevin E. Kenworthy; L. E. Trenholm (Former Author); A. Fernanda Arévalo Alvarenga (Translator)
La Grama Zoysia para Patios de Florida: ENH11s/LH085, 7/2022
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Hayk Khachatryan, Alicia Rihn, Xumin Zhang, Michael Dukes
Using Economic Incentives to Encourage Sustainable Alternative Residential Landscaping Practices in Florida: FE1120/FE1120, 7/2022
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Laura A. Warner, Michael D. Dukes, Nicholas Taylor, Deirdre Irwin, Jim Harmon
A 2021 Snapshot of Citizens’ Awareness and Understanding of Florida’s Irrigation Restrictions : WC418/AEC757, 6/2022
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Julian Ginori, Heqiang Huo, Zhanao Deng, Sandra Wilson
A Beginner’s Guide to Begonias: Vegetative Propagation: ENH1357/EP621, 5/2021
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Julian Ginori, Heqiang Huo, Zhanao Deng, Sandra Wilson
A Beginner’s Guide to Begonias: Seed Propagation: EP619/ENH1355, 5/2022
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Bryan Unruh, Marco Schiavon, AJ Lindsey, Kevin Kenworthy; Laurie Trenholm (Former Author)
Zoysiagrass for Florida Lawns: ENH11/LH011, rev. 5/2022
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Marco Schiavon, J. Brayn Unruh, Kevin E. Kenworthy; Henrique Mayer (Translator)
La Grama Bahia para Patios de Florida: ENH6s/LH084, 4/2022
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Serap Gorucu, Charles Brown, Carol Lehtola
Fixed Ladder Safety: Summarizing OSHA Requirements: AE570/AE570, 4/2022
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Serap Gorucu, Charles Brown, Carol Lehtola
Portable Ladder Safety: Summarizing OSHA Requirements: AE569/AE569, 4/2022
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Mary Nordgulen, Nathan Burkett-Cadena, Derrick Mathias
A Mosquito Culex erraticus (Dyar and Knab, 1906) (Insecta: Diptera: Culicidae: Culicini): EENY-781/IN1357, 4/2022
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Ping Yu, Ernest Kraka, Chris Marble
Biology and Management of Johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense) in Ornamental Crop Production and Landscapes: EP620/ENH1356, 4/2022
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Jacqlyn Rivas, Tiare Silvasy, Luke Harlow, Lynn Barber, Jennifer W. Marvin, Esen Momol, Tina McIntyre, Terra Freeman
Efficient Irrigation for Florida-Friendly Edible Landscapes: ENH1353/EP617, 2/2022
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Christianah Oladoye, Guodong Liu
Waterleaf, a Potential Leafy Vegetable for Florida: HS1434, 2/2022
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Esen Momol, Claire Lewis, Tom Wichman, Elisha Cash; Jen Marvin (Contributor); Michelle Atkinson, Julie McConnell, Tina McIntyre; Chris Marble, Bryan Unruh, Lynn Barber, Stacie Greco, Ben Bolusky , Merry Mott, Deirdre Irwin , Betsy McGill (Contributor); Cheryl Harris, Emily Brown, Michael Scheinkman, Amanda Peck
Guidelines for Hiring a Florida-Friendly Landscape Professional: ENH1350/EP614, 2/2022
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Jessica Williams, Paul Monaghan, Ricky Telg, Shelley Voelker
An Introduction to Including Individuals with Special Needs in the Garden: AEC742/WC403, 2/2022
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Amanda Marek, Mark Bailey, Gail Hansen
Edible Ornamental Landscaping Guide for North-Central Florida: ENH1354/EP618, 2/2022
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Laurie Trenholm, Marco Schiavon, J. Bryan Unruh; Travis Shaddox (Former Author); Kevin E. Kenworthy
Bahiagrass for Florida Lawns: ENH6/LH006, rev. 2/2022
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Natalia Medina Irizarry, Michael Andreu
The Impacts of Trimming Mangroves: FOR378/FR448, 02/2022
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Cliff G. Martin, Zachary T. Brym
Common Weedy Plants on Open, Tilled, and Rocky Soil in the Redland Agricultural Area, Miami-Dade County, Florida: SS-AGR-459/AG460, 01/2022
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Jamie D Burrow, Megan Dewdney
Enfermedades fúngicas foliares de los cítricos Para patios y zonas residenciales: PP297, rev. 1/2022
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Yuheng Qiu, Mary Dixon, Jonathan Denison, Fernando Alferez, Guodong Liu
Fingered Citron—A Fragrant Ornamental Fruit Crop for Florida: HS1427, 1/2022
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Colby Silvert, Laura Warner, Matt Benge, John Diaz
Tapping into Residents’ Perceptions to Diffuse Landscape Water Conservation and Protection Practices: WC405/AEC744, 1/2022
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Nick Taylor, Kaitlin Robb Price, Bradley Spatz, Parker Johnson, Pierce Jones
Florida H2OSAV Insights: Home Water Use in Osceola County: AE568/AE568, 11/2021
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Mark Hostetler
Cues to Care: Are city landowners willing to make ecological landscapes? WEC444/UW489, 12/2021
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Alexander Joseph Reisinger, Tina McIntyre
Quantifying Water Quality and Economic Impacts of Fertilizer Workshops: A Case Study: SL492/SS705, 12/2021
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Mary Salinas, Sydney Park Brown (Revision Author); James M. Stephens (Former Author)
Herbs and Spices in the Florida Garden: VH020/CIR570, rev. 12/2021
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Yuvraj Khamare, Candice Prince, Chris Marble
Biology and Management of Torpedograss (Panicum repens) in Ornamental Landscape Planting Beds: ENH1351/EP615, 12/2021
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Marco Schiavon, Kimberly K. Moore
How to Properly Read Your Irrigation Water Analysis for Turf and Landscape: ENH1352/EP616, 12/2021
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Eleanor Frances Phillips, Jennifer L Gillett-Kaufman
Croton Scale Phalacrococcus howertoni Hodges & Hodgson (Insecta: Hemiptera: Coccidae): EENY-768/IN1335
Ana Romero-Weaver, L. Philip Lounibos, Eva A. Buckner
Mosquitoes and Bromeliads: ENY2073/IN1343, 12/2021
view on EDIS PDF 2021
Jason Kruse, Bryan Unruh, Jennifer Marvin, Tom Wichman, Lynn Barber, Norma Samuel, John Bossart, Claire Lewis, Esen Momol
Synthetic Turfgrass and the Nine Principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping™: ENH1348/EP612, 12/2021
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Mary G. Lusk, Don Rainey
Best Management Practices for Irrigating Lawns and Urban Green Spaces with Reclaimed Water: SL491/SS704, 12/2021
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Kevin Folta, Dustin Huff, Ali Sarkhosh
Growing Feijoa Fruit in Florida: HS1424, 12/2021
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