What Is the ENSO Climatology Tool?
Flowers and inflorescences of 'Bloomify Red' lantana grown outdoors in ground beds in full sun in Florida. Figure 2 from publication EP544/EP544: ‘Bloomify™ Red’ and ‘Bloomify™ Rose’, Two Infertile Lantana camara Cultivars for Production and Use in Florida. Credit: UF/IFAS.
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Climate-Based Crops Management

How to Cite

Staub, Caroline, Clyde W. Fraisse, Eduardo Gelcer, and Daniel R. Dourte. 2017. “What Is the ENSO Climatology Tool? AE522, 3/2017”. EDIS 2017 (5). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-ae522-2017.


On a global scale, periodic anomalies in sea surface temperatures coupled with shifts in atmospheric pressure and winds, such as those associated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO), can have profound impacts on weather conditions. ENSO affects atmospheric circulation patterns well into the midlatitudes and is the leading driver of seasonal climate variability in the United States. Tremendous advances have been made in predicting the occurrence of ENSO events with confidence three to six months in advance. This 5-page fact sheet discusses the ENSO climatology tool as well as possible challenges. Written by Caroline Staub, Clyde Fraisse, Eduardo Gelcer, and Daniel Dourte, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, March 2017.

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