Rye and Triticale Breeding in the South
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small grains
plant breeding


How to Cite

Blount, Ann R., and Ron D. Barnett. 2017. “Rye and Triticale Breeding in the South: SS-AGR-42 AG147, Rev. 1 2017”. EDIS 2017 (January). Gainesville, FL:2. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-ag147-2017.


This 2-page fact sheet is a minor revision written by A. R. Blount, R. D. Barnett, P. L. Pfahler, J. W. Johnson, G. D. Buntin, and B. M. Cunfer, and published by the Agronomy Department, January 2017.

SS-AGR-42/AG147: Rye and Triticale Breeding in the South (ufl.edu)

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