When we return to the scene of recent disasters like New Orleans, we find that some communities and neighborhoods are able to recover faster than others, while some never completely recover. Community Resilience is defined as the ability for a community to bounce back from a disaster, adapt to changes, and become more sustainable. The resilience assessment and planning tools reviewed here range from simple, ready-to-print worksheets intended for use by average citizens to comprehensive planning exercises more appropriate for city planners, emergency service providers, and elected officials. Not all of the toolkits will apply to every community. This 6-page fact sheet was written by Paul Monaghan, Emily Ott, and Timothy Fogarty, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, July 2014. (UF/IFAS photo by Tyler Jones)
AEC507/WC172: Measuring Community Resilience Using Online Toolkits (ufl.edu)
Sempier, T. T., D. L. Swann, R. Emmer, S. H. Sempier, and M. Schneider. 2010. "Coastal community resilience index: A community self-assessment." 19 pages. http://www.gulfofmexicoalliance.org/projects/files/83Community_Resilience_Index.pdf.
Hegney, D., H. Ross, P. Baker, C. Rogers-Clark, C. King, E. Buikstra, A. Watson-Luke, K. McLachlan, and L. Stallard. 2008. "Building resilience in rural communities toolkit." Toowoomba, Queensland: the University of Queensland and University of Southern Queensland. 52 pages. http://learningforsustainability.net/pubs/Building%20Resilience%20in%20Rural%20Communities%20Toolkit.pdf.
Torrens Resilience Institute. 2012 "Developing a model and tool to measure community disaster resilience: Community disaster resilience scorecard toolkit. An Australian Government Initiative." 28 pages. http://www.torrensresilience.org/images/pdfs/toolkit/tritoolkit.pdf.
Chandra, A., J. Acosta, S. Stern, L. Uscher-Pines, M. V. Williams, D. Yueng, J. Garnett, and L. S. Meredith. 2011. "Building community resilience to disasters: A way forward to enhance National Health Security." Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation. 104 pages. http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/technical_reports/2011/RAND_TR915.pdf. https://doi.org/10.7249/TR915
Pfefferbaum, R. L., B. Pfefferbaum, and R. L. Van Horn. 2011. "Communities advancing resilience toolkit (CART): The CART integrated system." Oklahoma City, OK: Terrorism and Disaster Center at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. 87 pages. http://www.oumedicine.com/docs/default-source/ad-psychiatry-workfiles/here.pdf?sfvrsn=0.
The National Center for Disaster Preparedness. 2013. The Earth Institute: Columbia University. http://www.ncdp.mailman.columbia.edu/.