Extension Professionals: Anticipating and Solving Common Challenges in Planning and Delivering Educational Programs
A teacher leading his students on a hike
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How to Cite

Warner, Laura A., and Kathryn A. Stofer. 2014. “Extension Professionals: Anticipating and Solving Common Challenges in Planning and Delivering Educational Programs: AEC513/WC178, 9/2014”. EDIS 2014 (8). Gainesville, FL. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-wc178-2014.


The work of an Extension agent demands much more than just subject knowledge. An Extension career is exciting because no two days are the same. With that comes a variety of unexpected challenges. The delivery of programs to diverse clienteles is, in itself, a skill and something that Extension agents improve over time. This article summarizes some common problems associated with delivering Extension programs and recommends solutions. This 5-page fact sheet was written by Laura A. Warner and Kathryn A. Stofer, and published by the UF Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, September 2014.

AEC513/WC178: Extension Professionals: Anticipating and Solving Common Challenges in Planning and Delivering Educational Programs (ufl.edu)

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