Uso de Biosolidos en Produccion de Hortalizas
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Ozores-Hampton, Mónica, and Joel Mendez. 2010. “Uso De Biosolidos En Produccion De Hortalizas: HS1183 HS1183, 8 2010”. EDIS 2010 (6). Gainesville, FL.


HS1183, an 11-page Spanish-language fact sheet by Mónica Ozores-Hampton and Joel Mendez, describes the use of biosolids in vegetable production — processes used to reduce pathogens, plant nutrients, regulations concerning the use of biosolids, how much to use, and effective application. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, August 2010.

HS1183/HS1183: Uso de Biosolidos en Produccion de Hortalizas (
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