AN233, a 6-page illustrated fact sheet by Travis D. Maddock and G. Cliff Lamb, discusses three key points for managing beef cow efficiency — cow weight, milking potential, and body condition score. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Animal Sciences, February 2010.
Ansotegui, R.P., K.M. Havstad, J.D. Wallace, and D.M. Hallford. 1991. Effects of milk intake on forage intake and performance of suckling range calves. J. Anim. Sci. 69:899-904 https://doi.org/10.2527/1991.693899x
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Hersom, M.J., 2009. Relationship of Cow Size to Nutrient Requirements and Production Management Issues. UF-IFAS EDIS Pub. AN226.
Kunkle, W.E., R.S. Sand, and D.O. Rae. 1997. Effects of body condition of productivity in beef cattle. UF-IFAS EDIS Pub. SP144
NRC. 2000. Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle (updated 7th ed.). National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
Pruitt, R.J. and P.A. Momont. 1988. Effects of body condition on reproductive performance of range beef cows. SD Beef Rpt. CATTLE 88-11. Department of Animal Sciences, South Dakota State University, Brookings
Short, R.E., R.A. Bellows, R.B. Staigmiller, J.G. Berardinelli, and E.E. Custer. 1990. Physiological mechanisms controlling anestrus and infertility in postpartum beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 68:799-816. https://doi.org/10.2527/1990.683799x