Sustainability Assessment of Fruit and Nut Crops in North Florida and North Central Florida
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Andersen, Peter C., Jeffrey G. Williamson, and Timothy E. Crocker. 2009. “Sustainability Assessment of Fruit and Nut Crops in North Florida and North Central Florida: HS765 MG367, Rev. 9 2009”. EDIS 2009 (7). Gainesville, FL.


Revised! HS-765, an 18-page illustrated article by Peter C. Andersen, Jeffrey G. Williamson, and Timothy E. Crocker, summarizes the degree of adaptation of deciduous fruit and nut species in Florida and identifies cultivars that are recommended for trial in various locations in Florida. Includes references. Published by the UF Department of Horticultural Sciences, September 2009.

HS765/MG367: Sustainability Assessment of Fruit and Nut Crops in North Florida and North Central Florida (
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