Nitrogen Contributions from Peanut Residues to Subsequent Crops
peanut residues in field after harvest
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Nitrogen credit
peanut hay

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Jani, Arun, and Michael J. Mulvaney. 2019. “Nitrogen Contributions from Peanut Residues to Subsequent Crops: SS-AGR-432 AG431, 4 2019”. EDIS 2019 (2). Gainesville, FL.


There is not enough evidence to support current peanut N credit recommendations in the Southeast. Nitrogen is released rapidly from peanut residues, and it moves quickly through light-textured soils found in this region. Only a relatively small amount of N from peanut residues is available when subsequent crops need it. This new 5-page document discusses peanut nitrogen credits, nitrogen release from peanut residues, crop performance following peanut, tillage and nitrogen release, and peanut residue distribution and nitrogen release. Written by Arun Jani and Michael J. Mulvaney, and published by the UF/IFAS Agronomy Department, April 2019.
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