How 12th-Grade English Learners Selected Instructional Models During the COVID-19 Pandemic
English learners, pandemic, graduation, remote instructionAbstract
Researchers examined the characteristics and factors influencing English learners' (ELs) selection of instructional delivery models in a school district in Florida during the COVID-19 pandemic. Secondary data were analyzed related to background and contextual factors that may have influenced student choice of model, such as face-to-face, home connect, or virtual school, to complete their senior year of high school and meet graduation requirements. These factors included student background, achievement measures, and school demographics. Findings underscore the need to understand the challenges of remote learning experiences for ELs and their potential for successful course completion. Local education agencies must ensure ELs continue to have equal access to academic grade-level content through high-quality instruction, and state agencies should develop guidance on how to best do this in remote teaching contexts.